How to utilize new media gallery in Magento 2.4

Magento 2.4 has introduced a some what under the radar but very cool new media gallery. By default the old gallery is still configured but Magento allows the store admin to switch to the new gallery. As a store admin you can change this by going to:

Stores > Settings > Configuration

To enable the new gallery you should set the configuration to No.

After enabling the new gallery you should clean the cache. In addition you need to make sure that the following message queue consumers are executed:

  • media.content.synchronization

You can start these by executing the following command:

bin/magento queue:consumers:start media.content.synchronization

After enabling the gallery you will be able to manage the gallery under

Content >Media >Media Gallery

In media gallery you are able to create new directories, upload or delete images. You can simply drag and drop the images and they will be automatically uploaded. This is extremely efficient in comparison to how you would need to manage this before.